Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hi Friends!  I have something really special to tell you about today....Coupons and Free stuff!  What do we like better than that?  Okay, well, there's a couple of things...like chocolate and romance novels (hint, hint),  but that's for another time.

I have a friend who's a member of a consumer testing panel.  She gets to review new products and tell the public what she really thinks about them.  And her readers reap the rewards!  She includes details about coupons and (intermittent) goodies in her posts! 

Here is the website:
I will make a permanent link to it here for you, but run over now and check it out.  She's giving away THREE sets of Glade fragrance for the home!  But hurry, once word gets out, the competition will be fierce! 


Please let me know if you can relate to my poetry offering for today…

  Five O’Clock Freeway!

             Five o’clock freeway:
  tempers and tires.
    Drivers whose patience…
               is stretched to the wire. 

  Darting twixt Dodges
—a new “car” roulette—
‘cause meetings and schedules
all have to be met.  

Tense hands strum a gearshift 
while rocking to Kiss!
Now, who remains sane
when living like this?

Please have a great week.  Stay safe.  Don't forget to sign up for my email list (at the top, under the magnolia branch) or sign up to "Follow" so you'll receive each message.  And remember to FEED the FISHIES!!   Thanks!  *smile* 

Friday, September 14, 2012

~ ~ TA-DA! ~ ~

Well, it's here...  Crimson has released the cover of my book!  Melinda is due out (in ebook) on October 8th.  I still can't believe it's happening...but from the looks of things, it's real.  *smile*  There seems to be a book with MY name on it being manufactured.  Though you have to look pretty hard to find that name.  (heehee)  Have you ever noticed that as a writer gains in popularity, his name grows on the cover of his books?  You haven't?  Well, next time you have the chance, check out the latest John Grisham book, for example.  You might be surprised to notice that his name is ALWAYS larger than the title of the book!  (Because it's what 'sells.')  The title of the book - and the art (which is pretty nonexistent at this point) matter little at all.  It's the Grisham name that does the work. 

But it makes no difference to me.  My name is on there, and it's a challenge to see how big it will be on the next cover.  *smile*   One baby step at a time. 

Please celebrate with me!  If you're a writer, let me know whether you've experienced this part of the journey, or if it's still an expectation.  Have faith  - if it can happen to me...it can happen to YOU! 


Today's offering is a fun one. 

The Common Sense Rules for Life. 

Enjoy....and OBEY!!!

A- ct like a grown-up.
B- elieve in Something bigger than you.
C- all your Mother.
D- o not lie.
E- at your veggies.
F- ollow your conscience.
G- row a little - in some way - every day.
H- onor your name.
I- nvest in a child.
J- ust put the buggy back, already!
K- eep love alive.
L- ive in the moment.
M- ake people laugh!
N- ever stop dreaming.
O- riginals welcome!
P- ress on.
Q- uit using excuses.
R- emember one good joke.
S- top and smell the flowers.
T- ry harder next time.
U- se your noggin.
V- alue the elderly.
W- hining is not allowed.
X- tend grace and be willing to accept it.
Y- ield good fruit.
Z- ap hate!
Thanks for reading!  Please make it a great day!
Don't forget to add your name to my mailing list -- go to the top of the page...right under the magnolia photo, and add your email address in the box provided -- OR -- become a 'follower' below so you won't miss a thing. 
Oh, yeah - and PLEASE don't forget to feed the fishies!  They get hungry!!  Thanks!  Leave me a note so I'll know you stopped by --